Thursday, July 10, 2008

Still Under Construction

Well, this summer has been busy for us and I haven't had the time to work on our new blog as much as I had hoped. I have learned some, but not enough to really make the changes I envision. But please check back often as we are planning on adding new entries whether or not the blog is customized the way we want it or not.

We have been busy with remodeling plans that are set to get underway in August and with all the rain we have been blessed with lately, the yard work is keeping us busy, as well as the garden. We are starting to get green beans, a few tomatoes, a bunch of zucchini, sweet banana peppers, and green peppers now. I need to get some parts for my canner so it will be ready to go before long. Also, my freezer is full to overflowing with beef and chicken, so I am going to have to can most everything this year. But that's okay, I am not complaining...:)

Our grandson is now 6 months old and is rolling over and just about to sit up. He is such a delight to us. The girls are all doing well. Kayla is working hard at 2 jobs this summer, saving up money to pay for her apartment until her school loan money comes in late fall/early winter. Shelby is working more days at Sonic and Lindsay is babysitting and spending time with friends. We plan to start our school year the last of this month. We decided to get a head start so we could take off more time for the holidays.

So, life is marching onward. God is good, ALL the time, despite what circumstances may try to convince us otherwise. I will sign off with a new favorite verse of mine. Lamentations 3:21-23:

But this I recall and therefore have I hope and expectation: It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His tender compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. (Amplified version)

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