Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Midweek Musings

Ah- the middle of the week. Before, when it felt like the weekend was different than every other day of my life, I used to look forward to this time of the week. And now with Tom working the weekends, I don't even have that to make the weekends look good.

This week has been especially busy. Classes resumed this week after a week-long spring break and Shelby started a new job, which has put Lindsay & I on more babysitting patrol than usual. Jalen is a pretty good little guy and we have had great weather this week, so he has been pretty content to just ride his little tryke on the deck while we schooled and worked.

I eventually hope to get a daily theme going with this blog, but for now, I am going to include a potpouri of things in each post. I have been interested for almost a year now in making a transition to eating/cooking more healthy and with real foods as opposed to those that the typical doctor tries to tell us is good for us. To that end, I have found a source for my raw milk and also a source for my raw cheese. We are all loving both of those things! So much so that we have even been tossing around the idea of buying our own dairy cow. We won't be able to act on that idea too soon, but it is definitely something we are mulling over. One of the things we are getting ready to venture out on is making our own mozzarella cheese. We have heard from many that there is nothing better and once you make it you won't go back to store bought again.We are excited to try our hand at it.

I think it is amazing to realize that no matter how great "progress" has been for our country, the reality is that we are also a more sicker people than we used to be also. Granted, with the discovery of antibiotics, we have been able to prevent a lot of serious illnesses, and I am grateful for that, but I think we still have a long way to go (or get back to) before we can really be healthy people.

I do plan to take pics of our experiments and test drives as we try out new foods and share about our likes/dislikes as we work on this transition. I hope you will check back often for updates as I sincerely hope to keep this momentum going.

Till the next post!


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Wrap Up

Well, here we are at the end of the weekend and almost the end of the month of March. Time, as usual, is flying by. It feels like we just finished celebrating Christmas and now Easter is upon us.

Several new things are happening in our home/family. Kayla passed one of her final nursing class tests and sent a text messsage telling us to order the cake as she was for sure graduating. LOL As if we ever doubted that. LOL Shelby passed her GED test and starts a new job tomorrow. Tom is slated to return to work in the oil field in May. We are still making the slow transition to get off processed foods and we have found a raw milk supplier as well as a raw cheese supplier. And I am still struggling to adjust to college at the age of 40+. :)

It is still my desire to blog regularly, though I don't know how/if that will ever become reality. Too much of my life seems to be lived in "reaction" rather than "proaction", but I am trying.

Something that a missionary said last week at our church really inspired me. He said "sometimes the road forward is found by going backwards". It is something I have really been pondering on. There are many things that I used to do much better than I do now and I think it was a timely word from the Lord for me to hear that.

So, here's to the end of March and the beginning of April, the end of the weekend and the beginning of a new week. Let's all be and do everything God has for us to do.