Saturday, January 3, 2009

Already Behind

Well, the new year is here and I am already behind. But that's okay - it will get better.

Just after I published my last post on here, I got the news from my husband that he was losing his job. Somehow that news didn't rock my world as much as I thought it would. Maybe I was in shock, but then I realized that what was holding me steady in the face of such news was my faith.

Many times we wonder, "How much faith do I really have"? My husband has taught that faith is one of those things we measure by what we have been through before. Whatever we go through and come out on the other side of successfully we can say, "I have that much faith".

In the Word we read that faith comes by hearing and I know that my faith has been encouraged many times by the stories I have read of people such as George Mueller and others who have faced great obstacles, but their faith held them steady and God met their needs. As I thought on that, I realized that I too had stories to share of my faith that could possibly encourage others who were struggling with their faith walk and in doing so I could remind myself of all God had seen us through in the past and encourage myself as we face this new challenge of finding Tom another job.

So, starting on Monday, I will begin sharing stories from our lives of situations that looked bleak, but in hindsight we could see God at work, meeting our needs.

And about our current situation, well we are encouraged by our faith and how God has met our needs in the past so for the most part we are at peace as we search for a new job. Tom has been putting in applications with various companies and with much prayer we feel like we are starting to see a direction God may be leading, but we are still waiting on Him to open the door. We know God has a plan and we are excited to see where He will lead us next!


1 comment:

Shannon P. said...

Your trials and your triumphs this past couple of years have definitely been faith builders in my my life, and I just know they will bless someone else as well!