Friday, May 2, 2008

Revival - How Bad Do I Want It?

In the past few weeks, God has been stirring my heart to a deeper walk with Him, a personal revival if you will, and then the ladies group at our church decided to do a book study on Seeking Him by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Grissom. It has been an amazing study so far, though painful in many ways as God reveals sin in my life and asks me to get rid of it.

You really wouldn't think sin would be so hard to get rid of would you? I mean, just the word "sin" makes me think of something dirty or nasty, but of course, if we truly saw sin as dirty or nasty, we probably wouldn't be enticed by it, would we? Usually sin comes to us in these great little packages that look great, sound great, taste great, feel great, therefore, we are more easily snared by it.

One morning as I was thinking about all this, God reminded me of a story He told where a rich young man came to Him and asked Him what he had to do to be saved and Jesus told him that he needed to go sell all his stuff and then come back. Scripture records that the young man went away very sorrowful. Why did he go away sorrowful? He wanted a relationship with Christ, but he was sad when he realized he would have to give up his "stuff" in order to enter into that relationship with Christ. Ouch! Could this be me? Could this be many of us sitting in pews every Sunday morning?

Scripture doesn't say whether or not this young man ever returned to Christ, but it sure has got me to thinking. I want a deeper walk with God, I want to experience a personal revival, but to get there, Christ may, and almost certainly will, ask me to give up some of my "stuff". The question is will I be willing to do that or will I walk away sorrowful?


Anonymous said...

I just purchased this study last week Donna and am anxious to get started with it. I really enjoy Nancy Leigh Demoss me she makes them so personal....I will be praying that the Lord continue to speak, teach, and lead you as you open your heart to Him through this study.

happyhome said...

How I wish you could have been at our ladies retreat this past weekend Donna! Our speaker talked at one point about giving things up for God. We have to come to the point that we hold up our most sacred thing and say to Him, "Here it is God. If you really want it, please pry it out of my fingers. As hard as it is for me to let it go, I want you to have it...I just need help letting go."

I want revival in my life! I want to see the Lord working in new ways. If I truly mean that, I must be willing to make sacrifices. I am so excited about His WORD! It is alive and sharper than any two edged sword!

OK, I'd better stop and go try blogging about it on my own blog!

