Monday, January 10, 2011


YIKES!!!!  It's been a week since I posted!  Didn't take me long to fall off the wagon, huh?  Well, I would try to recap what the past 7 days entailed, but I can't remember.  LOL  Again, that is one of the reasons I need to blog daily, so I don't forget!

The highlight of the past week had to have been our grandson's birthday party!  He turned 3 on Christmas Day.  We held off on his party so that he could get the full enjoyment of a birthday party separate from Christmas.  Actually, I think the guy made out better with his birthday gifts than he did for Christmas. LOL  He got lots of nice gifts and all of his aunts and his great aunts and great uncles, as well as the great grandparents were there and even his great-great uncle was there. It really was a housefull but he had a great time.

It has been more of an adjustment than I thought it would be having Shelby & Jalen move out on their own.  Though we still see them every day, it is just different.  I miss the little guy giving me hugs and kisses before bedtime each night.  But I know this is a good thing for them and I can see positive things coming from it already.  Change is not always easy, but good things can come from it when we allow it to.

Here's looking to a productive week ahead!

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